Heather Faulding
Heather FauldingSpace Whisperer

Heather grew up in South Africa where she studied Architecture at ‘Wits’ University in Johannesburg and immigrated during the Soweto riots to complete her degrees at Ball State University in Indiana.

She has lived and worked in New York since 1981. Her early role as associate with prominent design firms included a leading creative role with retail and residential projects across the United States and the world. This continued when she opened her company in where she works with a wide array of clients, always finding new and creative solutions often where others feared to tread or did not succeed, usually exceeding expectations. Always up for a challenge, and “never the same solution” she is passionate about the timelessness and elevation of each and every client that her team selects to work with. Her work currently includes work for clients from Holland, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom and China and projects lie in New York, across the Hamptons, Los Angeles and Florida.

Any free time when there is no tennis, is spent on the design and execution of her chandeliers and furniture line and exploring lighting and ever new technology.

Her marriage to the South African ambassador to the United Nations was at the time of Mandelas inauguration and her “front row seat” to all that transpired brought a new depth of understanding and inspiration to her work. After successfully combating the onset of cancer with diet and acupuncture, she adopted her daughter from China, thus adding another chapter to her always interesting stories.

Dave Tomaselli
Dave TomaselliGenius East

Dave enjoys creative and technical challenges, “acting on my ambitions, and turning good ideas into reality”. His love of helping others, working with his hands, and seeing around corners however challenging a project may be.

He was the first kid on the block with a computer (1983), got his first Mac in 1987, and technology, IT, construction, sound design and music has been at the core of all his endeavors ever since.

His Social Entrepreneurialism and Impact Investing are what he describes as “essential to the future of our species, and offer us direct path to global stability and sustainability”.

His amazing 20+ year career in music, technology, has taken him around the world, made many incredible life long friendships and given him the opportunity to support so many interesting people with their creative and business endeavors.

In 2013 he started a specialty General Contracting company that combines his passion for technology, construction, and design, and has executed some many commercial retail and residential projects.

he is always looking for opportunities to meet like minds, work on entrepreneurial projects, build highly functional and sustainable live and work environments, and as always, support the rise of the creative class.

His Motto :- Live, Love, and Carry On…

Yoshiko Mino
Yoshiko MinoMagician

Yoshiki studied Architecture at Pratt Institute.  He spent his early life in Japan absorbing its culture and design philosophies as his own.  His passions are for environmental and passive house design, and finding new ways to use technology and to combine recyclable and sustainable products creatively.

Yoshiki is extremely facile and works across many computer platforms to create three dimensional and virtual reality, from details to finished design.

He loves animals and continues to add to this family wherever possible.

Under Construction

Reza Parnian
Dexter Oblea
Amanda Bozin
Abtin Shahverdi
Violet Krueger

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